Addiction is a resource site for those that play ghouls in the World
of Darkness where you will find compiled data on blood bonds, blood
useage, character creation and experience. Most of the information
came from the White Wolf Publication, "Ghouls: Fatal Addiction".
Bits and pieces were pulled from other source books, including "Vampire:
The Masquerade". The resources here will not give you nearly
the insight that you can get from the official sources.
time has come - Vampire the Masquerade is no more. I'm not sure what I will do
with this site, though I'm leaning toward keeping it up for a while, I know some
people are still playing VtM. Ghouls do exist in the new World of Darkness - Vampire
the Requiem. The information on them is somewhat sparse though. Maybe over time,
I'll add ghoul resources for Vampire the Requiem.
I'm also storing some old pages and information regarding VtM on this site. If
links are broken and don't work, its just because these are more for nostalgia,
I don't have any plans to update them, though I do enjoy just looking at them
now and then. If
you're interested in online gaming, try www.diablerie.org,
its an irc based game that is fully moderated - only vampires and ghouls (mortals)
are approved as PC's. Diablerie is now playing Requiem. 
- original "Gnawed" site
- Malkavian
- Thin Blood