familes were bred over many generations to serve the sabbat. They are
not quite human, somewhere between human and vampire, they exist outside
of society's norms. Some worship vampires as Gods, some aspire to acheive
that state themselves.
Revenants are divided into families, and like Vampire clans, each family
has particular roles to play, specific disciplines and weaknesses. These
humans were bred over many generations, and genetically they are quite
different from the average human. The aging process is slowed (but not
halted as in traditional ghouls). A hundred year old revenant may appear
to be in their twenties. Also many of the family's philosophies are indoctrinated
into them from an early age, some revenant families even follow Paths
of Enlightenment (or Roads). The personality of the average revenant is
often freakish and alien by society's standards, and inbreeding is not
Revenants produce their own blood pools at the rate of
1 pt per day.
They cannot use this blood to form bonds, created ghouls, or make vampires.
Brutish monsters
that usually serve the Tzimisce, they are fighters and trackers, and rarely
engage in finer social events. Most Bratovitch know little about humanity
and follow Paths or Roads
Disciplines: Animalism, Potence, Vicissitude
Weakness: +2 diff to resist frenzy
These revanants spend
their time in society and social atmospheres, they maintain a facade of
normalcy and often act aas go betweens between the sabbat and areas of
mortal influence.
Disciplines: Celerity, dominate, fortitude
Weakness: Bonded to bishops or archbishops
Scholars of the sabbat,
they spend much of their time researching the occult.
Disciplines: Auspex, Obfuscate, Vicissitude
Weakness: Derangement (Obsessive)
Decadent and wealthy,
these revenants pursue their own pleasures, most of them Follow the Path
of Cathari.
Disciplines: Auspex, Presence, Vicissitude
Weakness: May become obsessed to pleasure and sensation, easily addicted
Though they once served
the Tzimisce, this family now serves the Tremere. They are very talented
with mechanical devices, and many tremere have the Ducheski maintain their
libraries and laboratories.
Disciplines: Auspex, Dominate, Thaumaturgy
Weakness: Inbreeding has caused some birth and personality defects. No
Ducheski can have a social trait above 2.
Witches and practitioners
of magic, they once served the Black Hand. With the Black Hand's destruction
the family remained independent, preferring to carve their own destinies.
Disciplines: Animalism, Auspex, Thaumaturgy
Weakness: Rafastio cannot be embraced, attempted embrace will result in
death. Furthermore, they are cursed with a type of Lunacy which causes
discipline difficulties to vary with the moon's cycles.